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The main objective of the project is to improve biodiversity in the Eastern part of the cross-border region through a joint coordination mechanism for sustainable urban development and adoption of 3 future cross-border green initiative associated with it. In order to demonstrate the application of the approach of the project will be implemented and demonstration measures aimed at creating sustainable patterns of urban development, which is consistent with biodiversity conservation. The project fully complies with the TO 06-Preserving And Protecting The Environment And Promoting Resource Efficiency and in particular by promoting ecosystem services and green infrastructures. In terms of SO5: To enhance the effectiveness of biodiversity protection activities –the project is directly aimed at this goal through development of joint strategy, procedures and demonstration applications for sustainable management of resources, development of green infrastructure for biodiversity protection.

Moreover, in 3 pilot initiatives will be embedded right management with a view to protect biodiversity. The overall objective of the project will be realized through the creation of a sustainable environment planning and management that provides tools for future biodiversity conservation. In support of all activities will be promotion of the idea of development in the region consistent with environmental protection and ecological lifestyle. The implementation of concrete demonstration measures to improve the environmental quality of urban environment and means of transport as well as mobile application to promote eco-friendly forms of movement would be beneficial to raise awareness of the public about the possibilities for preservation of flora and fauna in everyday life. The project aims at showing an innovative approach toward the problems of biodiversity that is not only to be protected in NATURAsites, but also in urban context.

The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the website are the sole responsibility of the project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries, the Managing Autority and the Joint Secretatiat.

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