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Work packages:

WP 1 – Project Management & Coordination

WP 2 – Communication & Dissemination

WP 3 – Joint Mechanism for Biodiversity Protection in the CB region

WP 4 – Implementation of Demonstration Measures for Green Development

WP 5 – Training and dissemination of the results



WP 1 – Project Management & Coordination

Deliverable 1.1 – Preparation Activities

Deliverable 1.2 – Management actions

Deliverable 1.3 – Project meetings-Technical expert groups

Deliverable 1.4 – Audit

Deliverable 1.5 – Public Procurement Management


WP 2 – Communication & Dissemination

Deliverable 2.1 – Communication Plan

Deliverable 2.2 – Printed and electronic information material

Deliverable 2.3 – Publicity and promotion actions in the Mass Media

Deliverable 2.4 – Website

Deliverable 2.5 – Mobile Application



WP 3 – Joint  Mechanism for Biodiversity Protection in the CB region

Deliverable 3.1 – Study of the possibilities for green landscape use of the semi-urban and sub-urban territories (indicators, factors)

Deliverable 3.2 – Research on the practices of agriculture, transportation and toursim that affects biodiversity

Deliverable 3.3 – Development and adoption of joint strategy for Sustainable Development of the Region (biodiversity protection , transport, tourism, agriculture)

Deliverable 3.4 – Development of 3 common Green initiatives in line with the Strategy adopted


WP 4 – Implementation of Demonstration Measures for Green Development

Deliverable 4.1 – Implementation of pilot green measures

Deliverable 4.2 – Supply of supporting equipment (signs, maps)

Deliverable 4.3 – Supply of 21 Common Vehicles

Deliverable 4.4 – Supply of 6 swapping batteries

Deliverable 4.5 – Supply of 3 charging stations of electric cars



WP 5 – Training and dissemination of the results

Deliverable 5.1  – Training seminars for young people,LAG’s members, NGO’s and other stake holders

Deliverable 5.2 – Training of competent authorities personnel on green management


Results of the Partners


Svilengrad Municipality CLosing project-Deliverables

Lyubimets Municipality CLosing project-Deliverables

Links to download the mobile application

The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the website are the sole responsibility of the project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries, the Managing Autority and the Joint Secretatiat.

© 2022